「小百合的秘密寶庫」是我在四年級上學期,資優班資訊課程中,學習Power Point,製作的專題成果。
我的課外活動多采多姿,我的童年沒有留白,我的學校生活也一樣有聲有色喔!許許多多的獎狀與作品,就是最好的證明。當老師要求我們製作Power Point專題的時候,我就下定決心,要為自己留下一份完整而美好的記錄。歡迎您與我一同欣賞「小百合的秘密寶庫」! |
14屆 尹理琳
參加九十學年度校內英語演說比賽 獲得四年級組第一名
Lily's Treasure Chest-My Power Point Project
Lily Yin 03/31/02
Turn on your computer, log on to Taipei Jen-Ai Elementary School Gifted Programs' web site. Enter "Student's Workshop"; double click on "Lily's Treasure Chest", and you can learn all about a wonderful girl with many talents-Lily Yin, of course, that is I!
"Lily's treasure chest" is a Power Point project that I've created after studying it in my fourth grade-gifted program.
In "Lily's treasure chest", you can find a picture of a little boy and me when we were dancing on a cruise during a family vacation to Mexico. As you can imagine, at that moment, we were the center of attention!
My project can be easily viewed because it is divided into two main categories: "Getting to know Lily" and "More about Lily". Just by browsing around in "Getting to know Lily", you can find out who Lily is, and obtain information on some of her talents and hobbies in a short period of time. Not only are there cool sound effects, every little section within this category contains detailed descriptions along with fascinating pictures.
Lily has a loving family. Lily has a hardworking daddy who adores her; and a gentle, caring mother who loves her. Lily's brother is a perfect gentleman who plays the piano; he is Lily's role model
Don't think that just because I am only ten years old that I don't do much. I am involved in many clubs and activities.
I started taking music and dance classes when I was two years old. Ever since then, music has been a big part of my life. I started playing the piano at the age of five, playing the violin at the age of seven. I joined chorus and orchestra shortly after that. Up until today, I'm still involved in all of these activities.
Music is not the only thing I am good at. I am a real good swimmer. I learned the four basic strokes of swimming when I was four. At the age of six, I was winning medals in swim competitions. I started doing synchronized swimming at seven. Instantly, I fell in love with this sport and decided to take it seriously. Like music, synchronized swimming is now an important part of my life and I will never give it up.
After viewing " Getting to know Lily ", if you still want to learn more about me, check out the "More about Lily" section. In this part of the presentation, you can learn about the hard work that I've put in and the rewards I received from it. You can also find out a little about my future plans. The colorful decorations and pictures of the pages will guarantee a second visit!
My successful academic and extracurricular activities make my childhood fun and rewarding. I have many trophies and certificates to prove that! When my teacher told us to make a Power Point project, I decided to treasure this opportunity to make something personal and meaningful for myself to look back on years from now. So, feel free to join me inside "Lily's treasure chest "!!
14屆 尹理琳 參加台北市九十年度英語演說觀摩賽
My First Synchronized Swimming Competition
Lily Yin
Synchronized Swimming is also known as Ballet on Water.
Synchronized Swimming is the sport I enjoyed very much and something I am quite good at. During the school year, I practice regularly in Taiwan, and during the summer and winter breaks I go to the United States to learn from a reputable coach. I have a dream: I wish one day I can represent our country to compete in the Olympic games.
This winter when I arrived at Los Angeles, I learned that there would be an open synchronized swimming competition sponsored by the Southern California Synchronized Swimming Association. At first, I was only planning to watch the event, but my coach encouraged me to register to be a contestant. She wanted to see what I have actually learned for the past nineteen months. I was very excited, since this would be a good opportunity for me to show what I could do.
My coach wanted me to compete in the Solos category with swimmers of age eleven and under at the intermediate level, even though I was only nine and had never been in a competition before. The title of my solo routine was "Secret Garden". Within the two minutes of performance, I had to include seven required technical elements. I realized how much this meant to me to be part of this competition. I decided to practice harder than I had ever done before.
On the day of the competition, Mom, Dad, and I left very early for Cerritos, the site of the event. The place was full of people and there were great excitements in the atmosphere. It was a popular meet with one hundred and eighty contestants. Each contestant would do four different designated figures in front of four groups of judges. It was a serious business.
There were thirty-two girls competing in my category. I was especially impressed by two of them. Both were eleven years old, had learned synchronized swimming for five years and had three years of competition experience. As expected, they won first and second places. I came in fifth. My coach was very pleased since I was only nine and competed for the very first time. I definitely wanted to work harder so I could be as good as those two winners.
Synchronized swimming has gained tremendous popularity in the United States in recent years. I was very pleased to know that there were so many children shared the same interest with me. Even the competition had lasted for twelve hours long, I was very happy. Not only had I learned a lot from this event, I had made many friends with whom I could grow in synchronized swimming together.
This summer, I also had the chance to attend another competition-California State Games and Cerritos Water Show, but I still think my first synchronized swimming competition was a very precious learning experience. I will continue to train hard so I can bring home a gold medal. |